Please note that the early fixed odds displayed here are intended as a guide only. Odds shown are advance, early odds and are not live. They may be periodically updated but are likely to differ from the prices that are currently available. You should check with your preferred bookmaker for current, live prices.
12:15 Durbanville – Win
Date: 2019-04-20 Each Way: 1/5 odds, 3 places.
What A Kid SP, Themadirishsheriff SP, Sir Michael SP, Shades Of Blu SP, Plain Sailing SP, Pick Eight Captain SP, Kamadeva SP, Hubble SP, Good To Know SP, Fiery Fort SP, Double The Fun SP, Ancient State SP,
12:50 Durbanville – Win
Each Way: 1/5 odds, 3 places.
Queen’s Club SP, Commanding Queen SP, Deliverance SP, Elusive Flight SP, Honey Pie SP, Linda Loves Lace SP, Macrobiotic SP, Master Ofthe House SP, Tiger Roll SP, Third Runway SP, Stella’s Story SP, Sanskrift SP, Miss Jacksonville SP,
1:30 Durbanville – Win
Each Way: 1/5 odds, 3 places.
Louisa May SP, Captain’s Darling SP, Jaco’s Bubbles SP, My Wicked Ways SP, Roll In The Hay SP, Philomena SP, Hildegarde SP, Hollywood Belle SP, Queen Of The South SP,
2:10 Durbanville – Win
Each Way: 1/5 odds, 3 places.
Kingston Rock SP, Empire Glory SP, Rock Spirit SP, Windy Flight SP, Salt SP, Winter Jack SP, Rio Querari SP, Captain Yolo SP, Super Lady SP,
2:50 Durbanville – Win
Each Way: 1/5 odds, 3 places.
Tuyuca SP, Sigma Alpha SP, Pay Pay SP, My Friend SP, Timeless Tiara SP, Silver Dazzle SP, It’s My Life SP, Black Gardenia SP, Petite Bijou SP, Lip Service SP,
3:25 Durbanville – Win
Each Way: 1/5 odds, 3 places.
Mio Vito SP, At The Office SP, Benevolence SP, Epic SP, Tuscan Kiss SP, Forbach SP, Lead Singer SP, Senor Don SP, Marauding SP, Seventy Eight SP,
4:00 Durbanville – Win
Each Way: 1/4 odds, 2 places.
Singfonico SP, Apollo Ace SP, Jardin SP, Top Of The Class SP, Dragon Power SP, What A Winner SP, Bernie SP,
4:30 Durbanville – Win
Each Way: 1/4 odds, 3 places.
Captain’s Choice SP, Twin Falls SP, Vomandla SP, Anneline SP, Sunshine Lady SP, Spirit Festival SP, Steffi’s Graft SP, Alsflamingbeauty SP, Hurricane Silva SP, Margrethe SP, Fluttering SP, Boomps A Daisy SP, Star Profile SP,